As we all know there is three dimensions in the world we are living and we are 3-D creatures (as we possess length,width and height).
Space and Time Inseparable :
Sapce and time are phenomena like mass and energy and together form the fabric of the universe known as space-time.A demonstration of four dimensional space-time’s inseparability is the fact that, as astronomers often remind us, we cannot look into space without looking back into time. We see the Moon as it was 1.2 seconds ago and the Sun as it was 8 minutes ago.
In 1905 , Albert Einstein published his Special Theory of Relativity which was instrumental in presenting the concept of four dimentional space-time. According to Einstein , time,space and motion all act upon each other and as objects speed increases then its time slows down in order to preserve the cosmic speed limit of light. This Concept or theory helped to introdice a new era in the world of physics.
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